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Оператори на машини за пакетиране, бутилиране и етикетиране



Packing, bottling and labelling machine operators monitor and operate machines which weigh, pack and label various products or fill different containers with products.
Tasks include -
(a) operating and monitoring machines that weigh, wrap, seal and pack various products;
(b) operating and monitoring machines that fill and seal tubes, bottles, cans, boxes, bags and other containers with products such as food, beverages, paints, oils and lotions;
(c) operating and monitoring machines that, by gluing or other methods, label products, packages and various containers.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Bottle filler
- Canning machine operator
- Labelling machine operator
- Packing machine operator
- Wrapping machine operator
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Hand packer - 9321


URI на понятието

URI на понятието

