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Улични продавачи на нехранителни стоки



Street vendors (excluding food) sell a usually limited range of goods (excluding food for immediate consumption) in streets and public places such as stations, cinemas or theatres.
Tasks include -
(a) buying or receiving items for sale, or making simple items;
(b) loading and unloading baskets, trays, pushcarts, bicycles, hand-trucks or other vehicles, to transport goods to the streets or public places such as stations or cinemas;
(c) displaying goods or calling out to attract customers’ attention;
(d) approaching potential customers on streets, or by going from house to house, to offer goods for sale;
(e) receiving immediate payment.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Hawker
- Newspaper vendor
- Pedlar
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Market salesperson - 5211
- Street stall salesperson - 5211
- Street food vendor - 5212
- Door-to-door sales representative - 5243
- Free newspaper distributor - 9510
Vendors from street and market stalls of fresh food products not intended for immediate consumption (such as fruit, vegetables, meat and dairy products) are classified in Unit Group 5211: Stall and Market Salespersons. Vendors from street and market stalls of a variety of prepared meals and food items for immediate consumption are classified in Unit Group 5246: Food Service Counter Attendants. Vendors in streets and public places of food and beverages for immediate consumption from pushcarts, trucks, trays or baskets are classified in Unit Group 5212: Street Food Salespersons. Vendors in streets and public places of non-food items (or of pre-packaged non-perishable food items such as confectionery) from pushcarts, trucks, trays or baskets are classified in Unit Group 9520: Street Vendors (excluding food).


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