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Evropská klasifikace dovedností/kompetencí, kvalifikací a povolání (ESCO)
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Zdravotničtí technici a farmaceutičtí asistenti

Concept overview




Medical and pharmaceutical technicians perform technical tasks to assist in diagnosis and treatment of illness, disease, injuries and impairments.
Tasks performed usually include: testing and operating radiographic, ultrasound and other medical imaging equipment; administering radiopharmaceuticals or radiation to patients to detect or treat diseases; performing clinical tests on specimens of bodily fluids and tissues; preparing medications and other pharmaceutical compounds under the guidance of pharmacists; designing, fitting, servicing and repairing medical and dental devices and appliances.
Occupations in this minor group are classified into the following unit groups:
3211 Medical Imaging and Therapeutic Equipment Technicians
3212 Medical and Pathology Laboratory Technicians
3213 Pharmaceutical Technicians and Assistants
3214 Medical and Dental Prosthetic Technicians

Concept status