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ESCO implementation in the National Employment Portal in Albania

ESCO Implementers

The National Agency for Information Society has recently developed the Portal for the Albanian National Employment and Skills Agency (AKPA).

Image showing the screenshot of the Albanian authority page that uses ESCO

Since its launch in 2017, ESCO's uptake as a terminological standard for the digital labour market has been growing in Europe. The National Agency for Information Society (AKSHI), through contractor Communication Progress, has recently developed the National Employment Portal, for the Albanian National Employment and Skills Agency (AKPA), which uses ESCO to support the Albanian labour market leveraging on information such as work experience and skills of candidates.

The portal is free to use for a variety of actors, such as enterprises, associations, public and private employment organisations, and jobseekers. The portal has been designed in a flexible way, so that new functionalities can be added or improved in the future based on current needs of the national labour market.

The use of ESCO helps generating more accurate results when mapping job seekers and vacancies.

The portal has the goal to collect, assign weights, and map information concerning: categories of occupations (at different level of granularity), national occupations, categories of skills, skills, and links between the occupations and skills categories. As a result, suggestions are based on evaluation points that indicate the level of compatibility between demand and supply of work.

The recently launched Employment Portal is expected to have a broad impact on improving employment services in Albania.

For more information, you can explore the Albanian National Employment Portal at this link and get in touch with Communication Progress.


Albanian version


Prej vitit te lancimit ne 2017, qasja e ESCO si nje standard terminologjik per tregut dixhital te punesimit ka ardhur duke u shtuar brenda komunitetit Europian. Agjencia Kombetare e Shoqerise se Informacionit (AKSHI), permes Kontraktorit Communication Progress, ka zhvilluar se fundmi Portalin Kombetar te Punesimit per Agjencine Kombetare te Punesimit dhe Aftesive ne Shqiperi (AKPA),i cili perdor ESCO per te suportuar tregun shqiptar te punes duke shfrytezuar informacionin si pervoja e punes dhe aftesite e kandidateve.

Portali aksesohet dhe perdoret pa pagese nga nje shumellojshmeri aktoresh, si ndermarrje, shoqata, organizata punesimi publike dhe private, dhe punekerkuesit. Portali eshte fleksibel persa i perket zhvillimit, ne menyre qe ne te ardhmen funksionalitete te reja te mund te shtohen ose permiresohen, bazuar ne nevojat aktuale te tregut vendas te punesimit.

Perdorimi i ESCO ndihmon ne gjenerimin e rezultateve me te sakta kur regjistrohen punekerkuesit dhe vendet e lira te punes.

Portali ka per qellim te mbledhe, te percaktoje rendesine dhe te hartoje informacione ne lidhje me: kategorite e profesioneve (ne nivele te ndryshme granulariteti), profesionet kombetare, kategorite e aftesive, aftesite dhe lidhjet midis kategorive te profesioneve dhe aftesive. Si rezultat, sugjerimet bazohen ne piket e vleresimit qe tregojne nivelin e perputhshmerise midis kerkeses dhe ofertes se punes.

Portali i Punesimit i lancuar se fundmi, pritet te sjelle nje impakt te gjere ne permiresimin e sherbimeve te punesimit ne Shqiperi.

Per me shume informacion, mund te eksploroni Portalin Kombetar te Punesimit ne Shqiperi permes linkut, dhe te kontaktoni me Communication Progress.

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