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PES Network Opinion paper: A contribution to the European Year of Skills

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Qualifications & learning outcomes
Skills monitoring
External Publications

Author: The European Network of Public Employment Services

The front page of the external publication in case repeating its title:PES Network Opinion paper: A contribution to the European Year of Skills

In the context of the European Year of Skills 2023, the European Network of Public Employment Services (PES Network) released an opinion paper, promoting successful approaches, highlighting challenges and offering recommendations to address each of the European Year of Skills’ objectives.

A new opinion paper, adopted by members of the PES Network during the last PES Board Meeting in Stockholm on 8-9 June, 2023 aims to promote knowledge on successful approaches and point to challenges related to each of the European Year’s objectives. It also provides some recommendations on how PES and their partners can evolve and live up to the challenge, both in the short and longer run.   


The PES Network argues that greater convergence between education and employment sectors and stepping up skills intelligence is needed to ensure a better response to labour market needs. Enhancing data exchanges and skills-based matching within a solid data protection framework is key in this context.  Shifting towards more agile skills-based profiling and adapting classification systems is necessary to best support the green and digital transitions. In this context according to PES Network, the European Classification of Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO) provides a reference framework for skills and occupation that can augment PES work with stakeholders to refine and validate classifications systems.  


Access the paper here.


This article contributes to the broader collection of external ESCO publications, showcasing the use of ESCO within various methodologies or its presentation in both European and International contexts. As ESCO becomes increasingly used in applications and research projects across Europe and beyond, it is valuable to collect such sources and share best practices by diverse stakeholders. Therefore, this collection of external publications strengthens the exchange of knowledge within the ESCO community and can contribute to mutual learning in the field of skills, occupations and qualifications among European and international actors. If you are interested in sharing your publication, please write to