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web designer





Web designers are in charge of creating the visual elements, layout and other aspects such as the easiness of use of a website. They follow the different phases of a website creation from the design to the implementation until it goes live. They work side by side with front-end developers to design user interfaces that met the needs of customers and are also appealing. They are responsible of developing mock-ups and of confirming the technical feasibility of the product. They can use and put together various types of elements for the website including graphics, animations, text, videos and photos. They are in contact with clients and stakeholders of the company to ensure that the design of the website meets their needs.

Alternative Labels

digital designer

freelance web designer

graphic web designer

interactive web designer

marketing web designer

multimedia web designer

ux designer

web design consultant

web graphics designer

web page designer

web platform designer

website designer

Regulatory Aspect

To see if and how this occupation is regulated in EU Member States, EEA countries or Switzerland please consult the Regulated Professions Database of the Commission. Regulated Professions Database:

Skills & Competences