Hierarchy view
This concept is obsolete
work in teams
Concept overview
Work confidently within a group with each doing their part in the service of the whole.
Alternative Labels
collaborate on tasks
cooperate with colleagues
foster social networks
handle team dynamics
support colleagues
working in teams
work in groups
work in squads
Skill type
Skill reusability level
transversal skills and competences
Broader concepts
Narrower skills
work in metal manufacture teams
work with supporting team in community arts programme
work in a food processing team
work in a logistics team
work in a fishery team
multi-professional cooperation in health care
work in restoration team
work in multidisciplinary health teams
assist employee health programmes
work with pre-production team
teamwork principles
work in drilling teams
provide assistance to lecturer
work in a landscape team
work in fitness teams
work with authors
work with circus group
plan shifts of employees
assist blood sample collection
work in multidisciplinary teams related to emergency care
support managers
work in textile manufacturing teams
manage sales teams
participate in technical aspects of the production
confer with library colleagues
collaborate with coaching team
work with a dance team
work in a land-based team
team building
work in an aviation team
work with motion picture editing team
work as a team in a hazardous environment
work effectively with animal-related organisations
work with the director of photography
supply veterinary medicine
work in a water transport team
work in a hospitality team
collaborate with animal related professionals
work in shifts
liaise with educational staff
work with the camera crew
collaborate with engineers
work with an artistic team
perform music in ensemble
work in a construction team
collaborate on costume and make-up for performances
work in assembly line teams
consult team on creative project
assist in administering veterinary anaesthetics
coordinate engineering teams
assist the veterinary surgeon as a scrub nurse
support nurses
work closely with news teams
work in a forestry team
cooperate to resolve information issues
work with advertising professionals
provide education management support
cooperate with colleagues
work with the lighting crew
work in a rail transport team
work with video and motion picture production team
work with social service users in a group
develop design ideas cooperatively
Essential for
Concept status