Hierarchy view
instruct others
Guide or teach others by providing relevant knowledge and support.
Scope note
Excludes give advice to others.
Alternative Labels
educate others
instruct colleagues
instructing others
teach others
train others
Skill type
Skill reusability level
transversal skills and competences
Broader concepts
Narrower skills
teach train driving principles
counsel patient on family concerns
educate on preventing injuries
coach clients
support ICT system users
instruct customers on ammunition's usage
advice food processing professionals
instruct on the use of special equipment for daily activities
provide technical training
train air force crew
teach speed reading
give swimming lessons
supervise students in social services
assist children with homework
demonstrate specialisation in a dance tradition
counsel patients on improving speech
train medical staff on nutrition
provide on-site training in aquaculture facilities
educate on data confidentiality
carry out training in environmental matters
coach performers in your fight discipline
provide operational efficiency training to employees
develop training programmes
provide training on technological business developments
supervise practical courses
give care instructions
train religious professionals
train reception staff
instruct on energy saving technologies
educate public on fire safety
give instructions to staff
teach religious texts
coach employees
train animals for professional purposes
instruct library users in digital literacy
plan sports instruction programme
train artists in flying
teach customer service techniques
train military troops
counsel patients on improving hearing
direct distribution operations
provide training on e-learning
train staff on call quality assurance
manage production enterprise
train actors in the use of weapons
provide on-board safety training
coordinate transport staff training
train security officers
provide directions to guests
safely instruct about fitness
instruct in sport
provide specialised instruction for special needs students
train guides
manage physiotherapy staff
brief volunteers
instruct on allergic reactions to anaesthetics
adapt teaching to target group
train staff about product features
direct customers to merchandise
instruct public
lead disaster recovery exercises
manage chiropractic staff
teach communication to clients
train employees
teach sign language
deliver online training
issue drilling instructions
train chimney sweeps
educate people about nature
teach housekeeping skills
instruct clients on the usage of office equipment
teach fashion to clients
train dental technician staff
educate customers on coffee varieties
train dogs
conduct full-scale emergency plan exercises
instruct in outdoor activities
train dealers in gaming
train staff in navigational requirements
manage corporate training programmes
provide ICT system training
provide nursing advice on healthcare
train staff on waste management
teach circus acts
provide instruction in orthodontic procedures
supervise educational staff
train staff on recycling programs
instruct kitchen personnel
educate public on road safety
train staff in quality procedures
instruct on safety measures
conduct training on biomedical equipment
instruct on animal care
educate customers on tea varieties
train staff in beer knowledge
educate on emergency management
train operating procedures
guide dog training methods
provide arts coaching sessions
instruct employees on radiation protection
instruct grant recipient
instruct on the use of hearing aids
conduct educational activities
coach staff for running the performance
provide health education
teach dance
instruct on technical shore-based operations
instruct on set up of equipment
instruct on circus rigging equipment
provide online help
instruct animal owners
participate in school programs on libraries
develop biochemical manufacturing training materials
coach team on visual merchandising
teach writing
Concept URI