Hierarchy view
tending and breeding animals
Breeding, raising and tending non-aquatic livestock such as cattle, poultry, and honeybees.
Scope note
Excludes: - Perform artificial insemination Examples: - Milk animals - Breed stock - Care for juvenile animals - Manage animal hygiene - Provide dog walking services
Broader concepts
Narrower skills
breed rabbits
breed stock
determine the sex of the animal
care for horses
maintain welfare of animals during transportation
apply animal hygiene practices
breed ostriches
rear game
breed reptiles
operate dairy farms
manage the health and welfare of livestock
breed geese
raise hens
handle honeycombs
manage animal welfare
breed sheep
breed poultry
breed cattle
assess equid footcare requirements
provide dog walking services
care for juvenile animals
control livestock disease
manage livestock
provide first aid to animals
provide care for horses
assist animal birth
interact safely with animals
care for the flock
breed insects
understand the animal's situation
breed dogs
provide home pet sitting services
breed horses
breed turkeys
breed snails
handle working animals
handle animals for semen collection
conduct shearing of wool
select breeding stock
provide an enriching environment for animals
milk animals
attach horseshoes
breed ducks
breed goats
handle poultry
breed pigs
work with veterinarians
monitor livestock
Concept URI