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Creation of ESCO national group in Greece

ESCO Implementers

On the 23-24 January, the Greek Public Employment Service organised a 2-days seminar in Athens, Greece, for establishing a national ESCO group, raising awareness on the new Europass and bringing together all relevant national stakeholders.

Image: Individuals seated around a discussion table in a meeting room

More than 60 stakeholders joined the seminar with representatives from the Public Employment Service (OAED), Ministry of Employment and Social Security, Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affair, Ministry of Digital Policy, Telecommunications and Media, University of Athens, University of Thessaloniki, National Organisation for Vocational Training, National Institute for Labour and Human Resources, Greek Statistical Authority, Hellenic Federation of Enterprises, General Confederation of Greek Workers, Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen and Merchants.

The PES Governor, Professor Maria Karamesini, opened the event highlighting ESCO’s usefulness for employment and education in the Greek context.

The Digital Labour Market (ESCO and Europass) team of DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission presented the following presentations:

  • Introduction to ESCO and its use cases
  • Introduction to Europass and the Digital Signed Credentials
  • The technical infrastructure for the European Digitally Signed Credentials. 

During the seminar, presentations by the Greek PES, Cedefop and the University of Athens have been delivered about:

  • the pilot project in the high unemployment area of Elefsina (Attica region), which will use ESCO for providing direct access to employment through counselling 
  • the project for big data analysis from online vacancies, which uses ESCO to extract vacancies and classify their skills-related content
  • the psychometric self-assessment tool “Ariston” which uses ESCO in order to provide education and employment guidance on the basis of a user’s personality.
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