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European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations

ESCO country event in Poland


On 2-3 April 2019, the Commission participated in a two-day conference in Warsaw.

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The Commission informed various actors from the public and private sector about how ESCO, the new EUROPASS and EQF can facilitate labour market mobility across EU-borders and bridge employment with education and training.

The conference was organised with the support of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers in Poland (ZPP), the European Commission’s Representation in Poland and the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy of Poland.Around sixty representatives of stakeholders gathered at the premises of the Commission’s Representation in Poland, including the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy, the Ministry of Education, the National Statistical Office, the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów, the Educational Research Institute of Poland and several others.

On the first day, the Digital Labour Market team (ESCO and Europass) of DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the Commission presented the EU policy goals and frameworks as well as the technical aspects of ESCO, the new Europass and the EQF. The day ended with a workshop on ESCO usecases. On the second day, national implementers presented testimonials of ESCO use cases and the Europass team presented the Framework for digitally-signed credentials.The day ended with a presentation of CEDEFOP’s project for Big data analysis from online vacancies.

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