Our video on how ESCO supports the digital labour market is online
Over the past two decades, the digital revolution has changed how the labour market matches people with jobs.

Nowadays, people find their jobs mainly online. In addition, employers increasingly manage their HR and recruitment processes with IT. At the sametime, modern job matching instruments put skills at the centre of their jobmatching processes. Talent platforms like job boards, social media platforms and crowdsourcing marketplaces have become the cornerstone for the functioning of the labour market.
The European Commission has recently launched a video showing how ESCO can support employers and jobseekers facing these new digital labour market challenges. The video includes testimonials of professionals from small and major digital companies highlighting the current difficulties to recruit the right people with the right skills and how ESCO offers a multilingual effective solution, which helps both employers and jobseekers in their recruitment and job matching processes.
Moreover, ESCO can be used for assessing big data from the labour market and on online job vacancies, thus facilitating the development of skills forecasting and improving skills intelligence gathering related to the labour market.