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European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations

Use of ESCO in Monster ES search engine

ESCO Implementers

ESCO is used in Monster’s job portal in Spain.

Image with ESCO logo

ince its launch in 2017, ESCO has been used in a significant number of applications developed by a wide variety of actors in the labour market and in the area of education and training. Such actors include small and medium entreprises (SMEs), major companies, private and public employment services, etc. Since July 2019, ESCO is used by the search engine of Monster in Spain.

Monster is a job board active in online recruitment that collects and publishes job vacancies from different employers across the world.

The added value of ESCO in

Monster is using the ESCO occupations as a basis for their taxonomy in the Spanish labour market, supporting the transition from a simple keyword search approach to a full semantic search capability. Embedding ESCO in knowledge engineering processes allows job seekers to have more accurate job search results.

Cécile Ramombordes, Knowledge Engineer at Monster Worldwide, Inc. and member of the ESCO Maintenance Committee said: "Thanks to ESCO’s multilingual terminology and abundance of terms, we can improve our job seekers’ experience in the portal, ensuring they get more precise job search results".

ESCO is used free of charge and published as Linked Open Data. The ESCO API makes it easy for public or private platforms to use ESCO in their online services and to link it to other existing data sources.

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