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in the ESCO portal
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Action verbs are used in learning outcomes descriptions to clarify the level of expertise expected for carrying out tasks in particular contexts. The requirements signaled by terms like 'to recall', 'to describe', 'to define', 'to diagnose' and 'to synthesise' indicates different levels of complexity and different requirements to the holder of the skills and competences in question. In ESCO, lists
ESCOpedia is the online reference to the ESCO classification. It provides you with up-to-date information on the following topics: ESCO strategy What is ESCO? Who is developing ESCO? The vision behind the ESCO project Structure and features of the ESCO classification Versions of the ESCO classification: ESCO v0, ESCO v0.8, ESCO v0.9, ESCO v1, ESCO v1.1, ESCO V1.1.2, ESCO V1.2 Two pillar structure
The skills pillar is one of the two pillars of ESCO. Knowledge, skills and competences The ESCO skills pillar, which is sometimes referred to as skills and competences pillar, applies a wide definition of skills. It contains not only skills, but knowledge, skills and competences. In the skills pillar, ESCO distinguishes between i) skill/competence concepts and ii) knowledge concepts by indicating
ESCO applies the same definition of "skill" as the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). According to this "skill means the ability to apply knowledge and use know-how to complete tasks and solve problems". They can be described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) or practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and
Cedefop (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) is an EU agency which was founded in 1975 and it is based in Greece. The agency helping the Commission, Member States and the social partners to develop the right European VET policies. Cedefop supports the Commission in the ESCO project, as well as in other related projects, such as Europass and the EU Skills Panorama. Cedefop
Comma separated-values (CSV) is a data format that separates data fields using one or more specific characters (e.g. comma, semicolon or tab). Data records are divided by line breaks, i.e. each data record starts a new line. CSV files usually use the file extension *.csv. ESCO data in CSV files The download section of the ESCO portal allows downloading partial ESCO datasets in CSV format. This
ESCO applies the same definition of "competence" as the European Qualification Framework (EQF). According to this "competence means the proven ability to use knowledge, skills and personal, social and/or methodological abilities, in work or study situations and in professional and personal development." They are described in terms of responsibility and autonomy. While sometimes used as synonyms
Competence-based job matching is a method to find the best match between jobseekers and vacant jobs by comparing knowledge, skills and competences of the candidate with the requirements of the employer. For successful job matching based on skills and competences, relevant information needs to be extracted from job vacancies and jobseekers' profiles, analysed and interpreted. ESCO's structure of
A concept is a thing, idea or shared understanding of something. Concepts are not language dependent. Example: The idea or shared understanding of a person baking bread, pastries, etc. and selling it to customers is a concept. Terms that are frequently used to refer to the concept are e.g. "Baker" in English language or "Bäcker/in" in German language. Concepts and terms in ESCO In the development
Only if ESCO is updated continuously, it will remain fit-for-purpose for the use in various IT applications that deliver high-quality services to end-users. The labour market and the education and training sector are changing permanently. These changes therefore need to be reflected in new versions of the ESCO classification. The changes include: Changes in the labour market: new occupations