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Montadores de estructuras metálicas



Structural metal preparers and erectors assemble, erect and dismantle structural metal frames of buildings and other structures.
Tasks include -
(a) marking metal framework as a guide when drilling cutting, and shaping metal stock for use in buildings, ships and other structures;
(b) drilling, cutting and shaping structural steel in a workshop;
(c) erecting steel framework for buildings, bridges and other constructions;
(d) assembling and erecting the framework and other metal parts of ships’ structures;
(e) shaping and fitting structural steel plates of ships under construction or repair;
(f) riveting structural metal members by hand, machine or pneumatic riveter.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Erector, structural metal
- Preparer, structural metal
- Riveter
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Rivet production machine operator - 7223

URI del concepto

