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Reparadores de bicicletas y afines



Bicycle and related repairers fit, maintain, service and repair the mechanical and related equipment of bicycles, rickshaws, baby carriages, wheelchairs and similar non-motorized transport equipment.
Tasks include -
(a) examining, servicing and repairing bicycles and other non-motorized transport equipment;
(b) cleaning and lubricating bearings and other moving parts;
(c) replacing and repairing components and accessories such as brakes, gears, driving chain mechanisms, wheels and handlebars;
(d) changing tyres and controlling air pressure;
(e) spray-painting frames;
(f) assembling new bicycles, wheelchairs and similar non-motorized equipment.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Bicycle mechanic
- Bicycle repairer
- Perambulator repairer
- Wheelchair repairer
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Moped repairer - 7231
- Motorized rickshaw mechanic - 7231


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