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Clasificadores de desechos



Refuse sorters identify, collect and sort discarded items suitable for recycling at dump sites and recycling enterprises or in buildings, streets and other public places.
Tasks include -
(a) searching through refuse and collecting items for recycling from dump sites, domestic, commercial and industrial premises or from public places such as streets;
(b) sorting cardboard, paper, glass, plastic, aluminium or other recyclable materials by type;
(c) placing recyclable items and materials in designated compartments and containers for storage or transportation;
(d) identifying and setting aside items of furniture, equipment, machinery, or components that are suitable for repair or re-use;
(e) transporting recyclable items by hand or using non-motorized vehicles;
(f) selling recyclable or reusable materials.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Recycling worker
- Scrap merchant
- Waste picker
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Refuse collector - 9611
- Street sweeper - 9613


URI del concepto

