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ESCO and Stakeholders Engagement: A Recap of Key Events in Late 2023

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This article covers the ESCO engagement and highlights key events the ESCO team took part in towards the end of 2023.

Image stating: ESCO STAKEHOLDERS  EVENTS & ENGAGEMENT OVERVIEW and showing icon of people speaking/discussing

In line with the objectives of the European Year of Skills, in the second half of 2023 the ESCO team promoted dialogue with stakeholders across diverse Member States on skills-related topics, highlighting the benefits of its dynamic system that connects skills, competences, and occupations across the European landscape.

As we step into the new year, you can find below a series of events were ESCO was presented. 

CreativeFlip Conference - Brussels 

The ESCO team participated in the CreativeFLIP conference held on 15th of November 2023, in Brussels, and contributed to a panel discussion on the categorisation of cultural and creative industries (CCIS) occupations. The conference discussed challenges of categorizing the dynamic cultural sector and the importance of keeping classification systems updated to reflect industry changes. The dialogue centered on how ESCO identifies change requirements, with the ESCO team highlighting the significance of input from stakeholders and implementers in specific sectors to identify emerging changes or updates in occupation definitions and associated skills

Read more about CreativeFlip Conference

EURES Italy for Employers' Day 2023 - Online 

The seventh edition of EURES Italy for Employers' Day 2023, held on 24th of November focused on addressing the professional needs of Italian companies in various sectors. Aligned with the European Year of Skills, it highlighted the importance of skills despite changes in the European labor market and participants included candidates, companies, industry associations, European networks and educational institutions. During this event, the ESCO team provided a comprehensive introduction of ESCO governance structure, design and maintenance process, use cases and implementers, emphasizing its role within the context of EURES. The discussion highlighted how ESCO follows with the emerging labour market trends, emphasizing the introduction of Green and Digital skills labeling to improve the classification system's ability to address evolving skill needs in environmental sustainability and digital transformation.

Check the agenda and explore EURES Italy for Employers' Day

LLLWeek 2023 Workshop: Validation of competences acquired in the civil society sector - European Parliament 

On 28 November 2023, in the context of the LLLWeek the SOLIDAR Foundation & Diesis Network organised a workshop on validation of competences acquired in the civil society sector. The discussion focused on the importance of a shared framework, ESCO's contribution to skills validation and recognition, and the significance of transversal skills for personal development. The event showcased ESCO's integral presence in diverse sectors and its active involvement in civil society discussions.

Read more about this workshop.

International Council of Museums, Italy - Online

On 6th of December 2023, the ESCO team took part in the ICOM Italy event. The webinar focused on the role of museum educators, and the ESCO team contributed by providing an introduction to the classification, its stakeholders, use cases, and the continuous improvement process. Emphasizing the significance of feedback received from professionals specialized in specific sectors, the following discussion once again highlighted ESCO's ability to connect those diverse sectors. The event generated interest among participants, fostering a desire to learn more about ESCO and its possible advantages for the museum sector.

Recording of the Event (in Italian).

ESCO & Andalusian Council of Chambers of Commerce - Seville 

On 15th of December the ESCO team participated in a workshop on opportunities in the European market for talent acquisition organised by the Andalusian Council of Chambers of Commerce. Throughout the session, ESCO delivered a comprehensive overview of the classification, emphasizing its practical application, particularly in the context of EURES for job matching. The event highlighted the crucial role of skills among young individuals in establishing international careers and improving competitiveness. In this context, ESCO's significance was emphasized, pointing out that its data is freely accessible and available in 28 languages, facilitating smoother matching and career analysis services.

Explore more about this event and watch the recording (event was held in Spanish).


ESCO extends its gratitude to all stakeholders, participants, and organizers of these events. We invite all stakeholders and implementers interested in engaging with the ESCO team to reach out at

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