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Citur neklasificēti mākslinieki radošo un izpildītājmākslu jomā





This unit group covers all creative and performing artists not classified elsewhere in Minor Group 265: Creative and Performing Artists. For instance, the group includes clowns, magicians, acrobats and other performing artists.
In such cases tasks would include -
(a) performing amusing antics and telling funny stories;
(b) performing tricks of illusion and sleight of hand, and feats of hypnotism;
(c) performing difficult and spectacular acrobatics, and gymnastic or juggling feats;
(d) training and performing with animals.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Acrobat
- Aerialist
- Clown
- Hypnotist
- Magician
- Puppeteer
- Stand-up comedian
- Ventriloquist

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