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Maniġers tas-servizzi tas-saħħa



Health services managers plan, direct, coordinate and evaluate the provision of clinical and community health care services in hospitals, clinics, public health agencies and similar organizations.
Tasks include -
(a) providing overall direction and management for the service, facility, organization or centre;
(b) directing, supervising and evaluating the work activities of medical, nursing, technical, clerical, service, maintenance and other personnel;
(c) establishing objectives and evaluative or operational criteria for units they manage;
(d) directing or conducting recruitment, hiring and training of personnel;
(e) developing, implementing and monitoring procedures, policies and performance standards for medical, nursing, technical and administrative staff;
(f) monitoring the use of diagnostic services, inpatient beds, facilities and staff to ensure effective use of resources, and assess the need for additional staff, equipment and services;
(g) controlling administrative operations such as budget planning, report preparation,sand expenditure on supplies, equipment and services;
(h) liaising with other health and welfare service providers, boards and funding bodies to coordinate the provision of services;
(i) advising government bodies about measures to improve health and welfare services and facilities;
(j) representing the organization in negotiations, and at conventions, seminars, public hearings and forums.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Chief public health officer
- Clinical director
- Community health care coordinator
- Director of nursing
- Health facility administrator
- Hospital matron
- Medical administrator
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Aged care services manager - 1343


Il-kunċett tal-URI

