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European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations

Hierarchy view


ESCO v1.1

In January 2022, the Commission released the new major version of ESCO, at the end of the three-year period that Member States have to map or adopt ESCO according to the Eures Regulation. ESCO v1.1 is the result of a two-year process of quality review of existing concepts, as well as development of new occupational and competence profiles.


What has changed?

  • New content. 68 new occupations, 354 new skills and 158 new knowledge concepts have been created and translated in all the ESCO languages. 
  • A new transversal skills hierarchy. ESCO v1.1 includes a revised structure and terminology on transversal skills and competences.
  • Labels for Green, DigComp, and Research skills. ESCO v1.1 offers the possibility to access to new sub-sets of skill and knowledge concepts. It includes in particular a taxonomy of skills for the green transition and for researchers, as well as digital skills and skills corresponding to the competences and competence areas of the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp).
  • Quality improvements. Over 500 terms have been updated. Improvements range from removing duplicate concepts to addressing relations between concepts.


ESCO v1.1 was as well officially presented in an online webinar on 10 February 2022 at the launch webinar during which the European Commissioner for Jobs and Social rights, Nicolas Schmit expressed his appreciation to all ESCO stakeholders that contributed to its development via a video message.


Supporting documentation

The occupations, skills and competences in the updated classification are available in the ESCO portal, in the Download Section, and via API.

The report Green Skills and Knowledge Concepts: Labelling the ESCO classification and the document which stores the delta between ESCO v1.1 and the previous minor version (ESCOv1.09), named Delta_ESCO_v1.1.0 are available in the Documents Section.