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Door-to-door salespersons describe, demonstrate and sell goods and services and solicit business for establishments by approaching or visiting potential customers, usually residents in private homes, by going from door to door.
Tasks include -
(a) giving details of various goods or services and of terms of sale by visiting clients and potential clients in private homes;
(b) demonstrating or describing goods or services on offer;
(c) recording orders and transactions and placing orders received with suppliers;
(d) preparing invoices and sales contracts and accepting payment;
(e) distributing letters, information sheets and other documents to clients;
(f) compiling lists of prospective clients and calling on them to obtain new business;
(g) travelling between sales areas and clients and transporting samples or goods for sale.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Door-to-door salesperson
- Door-to-door sales representative
- Party plan salesperson
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Commercial sales representative - 3322
- Street vendor - 9520


URI – koncept

