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Evropska klasifikacija spretnosti/kompetenc, kvalifikacij in poklicev (ESCO)
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This concept is obsolete

Modeli ipd.

Concept overview




Fashion and other models wear and display clothing and accessories and pose for photographs, film and video, advertising, still photography or for artistic creation.
Tasks include -
(a) dressing in sample apparel of new or current styles or of type wanted by customer;
(b) walking, turning and posing to demonstrate, to best advantage, style and characteristics of garments, fashion accessories and other merchandise;
(c) posing as subject for sculpture, painting and other types of visual art;
(d) posing for still photography for magazines and other advertising media;
(e) posing for television, video and cinema commercials and other productions.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Advertising model
- Artist’s model
- Fashion model
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Actor - 2655

Concept status