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Europeiska klassifikationen för kompetenser/färdigheter, kvalifikationer och yrken (ESCO)
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Kabinpersonal, tågvärdar, guider m.fl.

Concept overview




Travel attendants, conductors and guides provide various personal services in connection with travelling by aircraft, train, ship, bus or other vehicle, and escorting individuals and groups on travel tours, sightseeing visits and excursions.
Tasks performed usually include: ensuring the comfort and safety of passengers; serving food and refreshments; providing information and answering questions in connection with travel; collecting or issuing tickets on board public transport; accompanying individuals or groups on sightseeing tours or excursions and describing points of interest.
Occupations in this minor group are classified into the following unit groups:
5111 Travel Attendants and Travel Stewards
5112 Transport Conductors
5113 Travel Guides

Concept status
