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Europeiska klassifikationen för kompetenser/färdigheter, kvalifikationer och yrken (ESCO)
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Grovarbetare inom gruvdrift och byggverksamhet

Concept overview




Mining and construction labourers perform simple and routine manual tasks in mining, quarrying, civil engineering and building operations.
Tasks performed usually include: digging and filling holes and trenches using hand-held tools; shovelling and spreading excavated materials, sand, soil and gravel; sorting, loading, unloading, stacking and storing tools, materials and equipment and transporting them around work sites; cleaning machinery, equipment, tools and work sites and removing obstructions.
Occupations in this minor group are classified into the following unit groups:
9311 Mining and Quarrying Labourers
9312 Civil Engineering Labourers
9313 Building Construction Labourers

Concept status
