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European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations

Hierarchy view


Comma-separated values (CSV)

Comma separated-values (CSV) is a data format that separates data fields using one or more specific characters (e.g. comma, semicolon or tab). Data records are divided by line breaks, i.e. each data record starts a new line. CSV files usually use the file extension *.csv.

ESCO data in CSV files

The download section of the ESCO portal allows downloading partial ESCO datasets in CSV format. This file format can be used to import data for further use in various software products, e.g. spreadsheet software or database systems. Currently, the following data subsets can be downloaded in CSV format:

The CSV files with occupations and skills/competences concepts are mono-lingual. Any ESCO language can be selected before downloading the file.

Files with relationships contain the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and the preferred term in all ESCO languages of the concepts that are related to each other. If applicable, the files also include a note with additional information about the relationship.

Reading an ESCO CSV file

ESCO CSV files with occupation data are structured in the following way:

  • Concept URIURI of the occupation concept
  • Concept type: "OG" stands for occupation group, "OC" stands for occupation
  • ISCO codeISCO-08 code of occupation groups
  • Concept PTPreferred term of the concept in the selected language
  • Definition: Definition of the concept (if available)
  • Parent Concept URI: URI of the parent concept
  • Parent ISCO code: ISCO-08 code of the parent concept

ESCO CSV files with skills/competence data are structured in the following way:

  • Concept URI: URI of the skill/competence concept
  • Concept type: "SK" stands for skill/competence, "SG" stands for skill/competence group
  • Concept PT: Preferred term of the concept in the selected language
  • Definition: Definition of the concept (if available)


Wikipedia: Comma-separated values

Microsoft: Import or export text (.txt or .csv) files