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European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations

Hierarchy view


European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp)

Digital competence involves the confident, critical and responsible use of, and engagement with, digital technologies for learning, at work, and for participation in society. The Commission published the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp) with the overall aim to contribute to the better understanding and development of digital competence in Europe. The digital competence framework consists of 21 competences divided in the following five competence areas:

  • information and data literacy
  • communication and collaboration
  • digital content creation (including programming)
  • safety (including digital well-being and competences related to cybersecurity) and
  • problem solving.


The Commission integrated the 21 competences of DigComp accompanied by its five competence areas in the skills pillar of ESCO. Users can easily browse the competences through the skills group digital competences. In addition, user can download DigComp via the download page of the ESCO portal or access it through the ESCO API.

DigComp is aligned with the ESCO data model. Its competences are listed in a hierarchical structure, i.e. 21 competences are classified across five competence areas and they contain various metadata, such as preferred terms in 28 languages and descriptions. Thanks to this alignment, the 21 competences of DigComp together with its five competence areas were integrated in the ESCO skills pillar with minimal changes.