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Учители в средни училища





Secondary education teachers teach one or more subjects at secondary education level, excluding subjects intended to prepare students for employment in specific occupational areas.
Tasks include -
(a) designing and modifying curricula and preparing educational courses of study in accordance with curriculum guidelines;
(b) establishing and enforcing rules for behaviour and procedures for maintaining order among students;
(c) preparing and giving lessons, discussions, and demonstrations in one or more subjects;
(d) establishing clear objectives for all lessons, units, and projects and communicating those objectives to students;
(e) preparing materials and classrooms for class activities;
(f) adapting teaching methods and instructional materials to meet students’ varying needs and interests;
(g) observing and evaluating students’ performance and behaviour;
(h) preparing, administering and marking tests, assignments and examinations to evaluate pupils' progress;
(i) preparing reports about pupils’ work and conferring with other teachers and parents;
(j) participating in meetings concerning the school’s educational or organizational policies;
(k) planning, organizing and participating in school activities such as excursions, sporting events and concerts.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Secondary school teacher
- High school teacher
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Head teacher - 1345
- School principal - 1345
- Vocational education teacher - 2320
- Schools inspector - 2351
- Literacy tutor (private tuition) - 2359
- Mathematics coach (private tuition) - 2359
- School counsellor - 2359
Those who teach vocational subjects that are intended to prepare students for employment in a particular occupational group should be classified in Unit Group 2320: Vocational Education Teachers, whether they work in a general secondary school or in a vocational or technical school or college. Those who teach, at secondary education level, subjects such as mathematics that do not aim to prepare students for employment in a specific occupational area, should be classified in Unit Group 2330: Secondary Education Teachers, even if they are employed in a vocational or technical college.

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