Hierarchy view
This concept is obsolete
Офицери във въоръжените сили
Concept overview
Commissioned armed forces officers provide leadership and management to organizational units in the armed forces and/or perform similar tasks to those performed in a variety of civilian occupations outside the armed forces. This group includes all members of the armed forces holding the rank of second lieutenant (or equivalent) or higher.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Admiral
- Air commodore
- Air marshal
- Brigadier (army)
- Captain (air force)
- Captain (army)
- Captain (navy)
- Colonel (army)
- Field marshal
- Flight lieutenant (air force)
- Flying officer (military)
- General (army)
- Group captain, (air force)
- Lieutenant (army)
- Major (army)
- Midshipman
- Naval officer (military)
- Navy commander
- Officer cadet (armed forces)
- Second lieutenant (army)
- Squadron leader
- Sublieutenant (navy)
- Wing commander
Excluded from this group are:
- jobs held by persons in civilian employment of government establishments concerned with defence issues;
- police (other than military police);
- customs inspectors and members of border or other armed civilian services.
По-широк кръг умения/компетентности
Concept status
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