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European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations

How does ESCO benefit education providers, digital credentials providers and career guidance advisors?

Education providers, digital credentials providers (companies or educational institutions) and career counsellors can use ESCO:

Use of ESCO in Open Badges


Open Badges can align to ESCO by linking to a standard terminology for the skills of learners, as an additional quality measure to support the recognition of informal and non-formal learning achievements.

Learning providers can use ESCO to describe the skills developed in any given learning experience – online or offline - and award an Open Badge in recognition of that particular achievement. The badges can then be curated and displayed in e-portofolios and eventually shared with employers and other third-parties as verifiable records of learning.


  • Open Badges can use ESCO to digitally describe skills, qualifications and learning achievements of individuals,

  • ESCO can improve the interpretation of skills and qualifications across digital platforms – like job portals, Human Resources Management systems - leveraging the interoperability of open badges,

  • ESCO can also support the transition from education to work, as a common European reference framework when describing skills, competences and qualifications in Open Badges and job advertisements,

  • ESCO is increasingly being implemented in digital credentialing systems like Open badge factory,BadgeCraftDigitalMe, as well as piloted in several Erasmus+ projects.


For more information on the status of the uptake of ESCO and Open Badges, see this presentation by the ESCO Maintenance Committee member, Simone Ravaioli.


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