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Mathématiciens, actuaires et statisticiens



Mathematicians, actuaries and statisticians conduct research and improve or develop mathematical, actuarial and statistical concepts, theories and operational methods and techniques and advise on or engage in their practical application in such fields as engineering, business and social and other sciences.
Tasks include -
(a) studying, improving and developing mathematical, actuarial and statistical theories and techniques;
(b) advising on or applying mathematical principles, models and techniques to a wide range of tasks in the fields of engineering, natural, social or life sciences;
(c) conducting logical analyses of management problems, especially in terms of input-output effectiveness, and formulating mathematical models of each problem usually for programming and solution by computer;
(d) designing and putting into operation pension schemes and life, health, social and other types of insurance systems;
(e) applying mathematics, statistics, probability and risk theory to assess potential financial impacts of future events;
(f) planning and organizing surveys and other statistical collections, and designing questionnaires;
(g) evaluating, processing, analysing and interpreting statistical data and preparing them for publication;
(h) advising on or applying various data collection methods and statistical methods and techniques, and determining reliability of findings, especially in such fields as business or medicine as well as in other areas of natural, social or life sciences;
(i) preparing scientific papers and reports;
(j) supervising the work of mathematical, actuarial and statistical assistants and statistical clerks.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Actuary
- Demographer
- Mathematician
- Operations research analyst
- Statistician
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Information systems analyst - 2511
- Actuarial assistant - 3314
- Mathematical assistant - 3314
- Statistical assistant - 3314
- Actuarial clerk - 4312
- Statistical clerk - 4312


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