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Locomotive engine drivers





Locomotive engine drivers drive, or assist in driving, locomotive engines to transport passengers and freight.
Tasks include -
(a) driving or assisting in driving a steam, electric or diesel-electric locomotive engine;
(b) driving an underground or elevated passenger train;
(c) driving a locomotive to haul carriages underground or on the surface of a mine or quarry;
(d) watching for track hazards and observing signals and indicator gauges;
(e) operating communications systems to communicate with train crews and traffic controllers to ensure safe operation and scheduling of trains.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Locomotive driver
- Metropolitan railway driver
- Train driver
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Tram driver - 8331
Drivers of vehicles that operate on fixed rail systems that are separated from public roadways are classified in Unit Group 8311: Locomotive Engine Drivers. Drivers of vehicles for passenger transportation on fixed rails that are incorporated in the public roadway are classified in Unit Group 8331: Bus and Tram Drivers.

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