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European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations
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The crosswalk between ESCO and O*NET (Technical Report)

Artificial intelligence & machine learning
Ontology management
Matrix tables & other cross-walks
ESCO Publications

This document is part of internal ESCO publications designed to enhance stakeholders' understanding, use and development of ESCO. 

The front page of the internal publication in case repeating its title: The crosswalk between ESCO and O*NET (Technical Report)

The present technical report provides an in-depth explanation of the work performed to produce a crosswalk between ESCO, the European multilingual classification of Skills, Qualifications, and Occupations, developed by DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission, and O*NET, the Occupational Information Network, developed by the U.S. Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration (US DOL).

In the past, crosswalks were created only sporadically, as they require a remarkable effort in terms of time and resources. Today, new technologies such as Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing significantly reduce the effort required to carry out such activities. This report shows the result of the work done to connect the ESCO and O*NET classifications using machine learning models and human validation.

After describing the two classifications, the report clarifies the purpose of the crosswalk, details the methodology used to map the ESCO classification to O*NET, and concludes with the results of the mapping.

O*NET-ESCO Technical Report
(986.98 KB - PDF)