The Commission is constantly monitoring the implementation of ESCO by different organisations both in Europe and internationaly. While not all organisations that download ESCO inform the Commission about it, there are many stakeholders that do so and this results in close contacts and cooperation.
Overview of ESCO's uptake
By 2022, there are 113 organisations that use ESCO for a variety of use cases. The following graphics provide more information about ESCO implementers:
- The distribution of ESCO implementers by organisation type:
- The distribution of ESCO implementers per sector:
ESCO is implemented not only by national public authorities, non-profit organisations and private companies but also within the European Commission services, for a number of purposes.
The following European Commission Directorates-General (DGs) and EU agencies use ESCO:
- DG DIGIT, the Interoperable Europe Academy
- DG HR, EU Learn application
- The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP), the Skills - OVATE project
ESCO in EURES and status in Member States
As of August 2021 ESCO supports the automated skills-based matching of the EURES service platform. In 2016, the EURES Regulation was adopted, aiming to put in place better job search and recruitment services across Europe. The Regulation reinforces the cooperation between EURES countries and the Commission regarding interoperability, in particular the exchange of CVs and job vacancies via a single coordinated channel and automated matching between job vacancies and CVs.
Article 19 of the EURES Regulation and its Implementing Decisions provide for the use of a European classification of skills, competences and occupations (ESCO) with a view to developing an automated skills-based matching tool through the EURES portal. To enable successful implementation, the Public Employment Services of EURES countries need to supply the job vacancies and CVs using ESCO codes. EURES countries had until August 2021 to map their national occupational classifications/national skills classifications to ESCO or directly adopt ESCO.
Therefore, by October 2023 the Public Employment Services of:
23 EURES countries had completed the mapping of occupations;
5 EURES countries had completed the mapping of skills;
4 EURES countries had completed the adoption of occupations;
4 EURES countries had completed the adopting of skills.
Below is an overview of the different countries and their adoption or mapping of ESCO skills and/or occupations.