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Taxonomia das qualificações, competências e profissões europeias (ESCO)
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Directores de serviços especializados

Concept overview




Professional services managers plan, direct and coordinate the provision of child care, health, welfare, education and other professional services, and manage the branches of institutions providing financial and insurance services.
Tasks performed usually include: formulating policies and plans for the provision of services and operation of establishments; setting standards and objectives; developing and implementing programmes and services to meet the needs of clients; directing and coordinating the allocation of resources; liaising with parents, boards, funding bodies, the community representatives and related agencies to discuss areas of cooperation and coordination; monitoring and controlling expenditure; overseeing the selection, development and performance of staff; preparing, or arranging for the preparation of, reports, budgets and forecasts; representing the organization in negotiations with other agencies, and at conventions, seminars, public hearings and forums.
Occupations in this minor group are classified into the following unit groups:
1341 Child Care Services Managers
1342 Health Services Managers
1343 Aged Care Services Managers
1344 Social Welfare Managers
1345 Education Managers
1346 Financial and Insurance Services Branch Managers
1349 Professional Services Managers Not Elsewhere Classified
Professional services managers are responsible for planning, directing and coordinating the provision of specialized professional and technical services. Specialized qualifications and extensive experience relevant to one or more occupations classified in Major Group 2: Professionals, or Major Group 3: Technicians and Associate Professionals, are usually required.

Estatuto do conceito
