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Funcționari cu atribuții generale și operatori la mașini de scris și de calcul





General and keyboard clerks record, organize, store and retrieve information and perform a wide range of clerical and administrative tasks according to established procedures. Competent performance in most occupations in this sub-major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Tasks performed by workers in this sub-major group usually include: recording, preparing, sorting, classifying and filing information; sorting, opening and sending mail; preparing reports and correspondence of a routine nature; photocopying and faxing documents; operating personal computers, word processors or typewriters to record, input and process text and data; proofreading and correcting copy; preparing invoices and checking figures.
Occupations in this sub-major group are classified into the following minor groups:
411 General Office Clerks
412 Secretaries (general)
413 Keyboard Operators

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