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Európska klasifikácia zručností/kompetencií, kvalifikácií a povolaní (ESCO)
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Concept overview




Armed forces occupations, other ranks include all conscripted and non-conscripted members of the armed forces except commissioned and non-commissioned officers. They perform specific military tasks and/or perform similar tasks to those performed in a variety of civilian occupations outside the armed forces.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Airman
- Bombardier
- Corporal (air force)
- Corporal (army)
- Coxswain (navy)
- Gunner
- Infantryman/woman
- Paratrooper
- Rifleman/woman
- Seaman/woman (navy)
Excluded from this group are:
- jobs held by persons in civilian employment of government establishments concerned with defence issues;
- police (other than military police);
- customs inspectors and members of border or other armed civilian services.

Concept status
