Translations of DigComp 2.0 in ESCO

This document published by the European Commission presents the multilingual integration of the European Skills, Competences, Qualifications, and Occupations (ESCO) framework with the DigComp competences. It includes translations of DigComp competence areas and descriptors into 23 EU official languages, along with Icelandic and Norwegian. These translations align DigComp with ESCO's skills pillar and were reviewed by ESCO's national contact officials. The document details changes made to the original DigComp wording for integration and highlights differences in definitions for certain competences. The tables within the document compare original DigComp formulations, corresponding ESCO terminology, and ESCO translations. Users can access the DigComp titles and descriptors through the ESCO portal or API. ESCO portal also allows filtering of DigComp competences. The competences are presented hierarchically, classified across five areas and offering metadata in multiple languages.