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Evropska klasifikacija spretnosti/kompetenc, kvalifikacij in poklicev (ESCO)
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Razvijalci/razvijalke in analitiki/analitičarke programske opreme in računalniških aplikacij, d. n.

Concept overview




This unit group covers software and applications developers and analysts not classified elsewhere in Minor Group 251: Software and Applications Developers and Analysts. For instance, the group includes those professionals specializing in quality assurance, including software testing.
In such cases tasks would include -
(a) developing and documenting software testing plans;
(b) installing software and hardware and configuring operating system software in preparation for testing;
(c) verifying that programs function according to user requirements and established guidelines;
(d) executing, analysing and documenting results of software application tests and information and telecommunication systems tests;
(e) developing and implementing software and information system testing policies, procedures and scripts.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Quality assurance analyst (computers)
- Software tester
- Systems tester

Concept status