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Restaurant managers plan, organize and direct the operations of cafés, restaurants and related establishments to provide dining and catering services.
Tasks include -
(a) planning menus in consultation with chefs and cooks;
(b) planning and organizing special functions;
(c) arranging the purchasing and pricing of goods according to budget;
(d) maintaining records of stock levels and financial transactions;
(e) ensuring that dining, kitchen and food storage facilities comply with health regulations and are clean, functional and of suitable appearance;
(f) conferring with customers to assess their satisfaction with meals and service;
(g) selecting staff, setting staff work schedules, and training and supervising waiting and kitchen staff;
(h) taking reservations, greeting guests and assisting in taking orders;
(i) negotiating arrangements with clients and suppliers;
(j) ensuring compliance with occupational health and safety regulations.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Café manager
- Catering manager
- Restaurant manager
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Chef - 3434
Operators of small cafés, restaurants and bars for whom the management and supervision of staff is not a significant component of the work are classified in Unit Groups 5120: Cooks, 5131: Waiters or 5132: Bartenders, depending on the main tasks performed.


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