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House builders erect, maintain and repair houses and similar small buildings using either traditional or modern techniques and materials.
Tasks include -
(a) preparing ground for erecting building or other structures;
(b) erecting structures to support roofs, and building and covering walls with appropriate materials;
(c) fixing rafters to roofs and covering with roofing material;
(d) levelling floors to make them smooth and serviceable;
(e) maintaining and repairing existing structures;
(f) arranging for specialized work such as bricklaying, painting, plumbing and electrical wiring to be done by subcontractors;
(g) coordinating and supervising the activities of subcontractors, labourers and other workers.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- House builder
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Construction project manager - 1323
- Project builder - 1323
- Construction supervisor - 3123


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