Hierarchy view
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educational psychologist
Concept overview
Educational psychologists are psychologists employed by educational institutions to provide psychological and emotional support to students in need. They are specialised in the provision of direct support and interventions to students, conducting psychological testing and assessment, and consulting with families, teachers and other school-based student support professionals, such as school social workers and educational counsellors, about the students. They may also work with the school administration to improve practical support strategies in order to improve the students' well-being.
Alternative Labels
educational psychology practitioner
educational psychology specialist
practitioner in educational psychology
practitioner in school psychology
practitioner of educational psychology
psychologist in education institution
school psychologist
school psychology practitioner
specialist in educational psychology
students' psychology assistant
students psychologist
students psycology specialist
Regulatory Aspect
To see if and how this occupation is regulated in EU Member States, EEA countries or Switzerland please consult the Regulated Professions Database of the Commission. Regulated Professions Database:
Skills & Competences
Essential Skills and Competences
Essential Knowledge
Optional Skills and Competences
Skills & Competences
Concept status