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twettiq tal-attivitajiet tal-kontroll tal-mard u tal-organiżmi ta’ ħsara



It-twettiq tal-attivitajiet tal-kontroll tal-mard u tal-organiżmi ta’ ħsara permezz ta’ metodi konvenzjonali jew bijoloġiċi billi jiġu kkunsidrati l-klima, it-tip ta’ pjanta jew għalla, ir-regolamenti dwar is-saħħa u s-sikurezza u dawk ambjentali. Il-ħażna u l-immaniġġjar tal-pestiċidi skont ir-rakkomandazzjoni u l-leġiżlazzjoni.

Scope note

Tasks may include identifying types and features of diseases in plants and crop; carry out crop spraying, for weeds, pest and disease operations in line with relevant guidelines and customer requirements. Carry out slurry and fertiliser spreading in accordance with environmental regulations. Working with pesticides may require special certificates in some countries and recording the data about the usage of pesticides.

Il-kunċett tal-URI