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Clasificación europea de capacidades/competencias, cualificaciones y ocupaciones (ESCO)
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Trabajadores de los servicios y vendedores de comercios y mercados

Concept overview




Services and sales workers provide personal and protective services related to travel, housekeeping, catering, personal care, protection against fire and unlawful acts; or demonstrate and sell goods in wholesale or retail shops and similar establishments, as well as at stalls and on markets. Competent performance in most occupations in this major group requires skills at the second ISCO skill level.
Tasks performed by services and sales workers usually include: organizing and providing services during travel; housekeeping; preparing and serving of food and beverages; caring for children; providing personal and basic health care at homes or in institutions, as well as hairdressing, beauty treatment and companionship; telling fortunes; embalming and arranging funerals; providing security services and protecting individuals and property against fire and unlawful acts; enforcing of law and order; posing as models for advertising, artistic creation and display of goods; selling goods in wholesale or retail establishments, as well as at stalls and on markets; and demonstrating goods to potential customers. Supervision of other workers may be included.
Occupations in this major group are classified into the following sub-major groups:
51 Personal Services Workers
52 Sales Workers
53 Personal Care Workers
54 Protective Services Workers

Estado del concepto
