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ESCO publications

Results (43)
Assessing Green Job Dynamics in the EU: A Comparison of Alternative Methodologies
Assessing Green Job Dynamics in the EU: A Comparison of Alternative Methodologies
Green and Digital skills
Research papers
Assessing Green Job Dynamics in the EU: A Comparison of Alternative Methodologies

Authors:  Joana Elisa Maldonado | Anneleen Vandeplas | Istvan Vanyolos | Mauro Vigani | Alessandro Turrini | Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs

Skills-Occupations Matrix Tables
The front page of the internal publication in case repeating its title: Skills-Occupations Matrix Tables
Artificial intelligence & machine learning
Matrix tables & other cross-walks
Skills-Occupations Matrix Tables

This document is part of internal ESCO publications designed to enhance stakeholders' understanding, use and development of ESCO.