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Lauksaimniecības un mežsaimniecības mašīnu, mehānismu un iekārtu operatori





Mobile farm and forestry plant operators drive, tend, operate and monitor one or more types of special-purpose motorized mobile machinery or equipment used in agricultural, horticultural and forestry operations.
Tasks include -
(a) driving and tending tractor-drawn or self-propelled special-purpose farm machinery to plough land and sow, fertilize, cultivate and harvest crops;
(b) driving and tending tractor-drawn or self-propelled special-purpose forestry machinery to clear land, plant, harvest and carry trees and timber or perform other forestry operations;
(c) preparing and positioning plant for operation;
(d) adjusting speed, height and depth of implements;
(e) operating plant to hold, lift and cut trees;
(f) operating attachments to lift, swing, release and sort trees and logs, and operating auxiliary plant such as chipping machines and log splitting machines;
(g) feeding felled trees into processors to strip limbs and cut into logs and loading logs onto stockpiles and into trucks;
(h) servicing machinery and performing minor repairs.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Harvester operator
- Logging plant operator
- Timber carrier driver
- Tractor driver
- Tree faller operator
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Bulldozer operator - 8342

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