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Klassifikazzjoni Ewropea ta’ ħiliet/kompetenzi, kwalifiki u impjiegi (ESCO)
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Ħaddiema li jagħmlu l-forom u l-kormakers

Concept overview




Metal moulders and coremakers make moulds and cores for casting metal.
Tasks include -
(a) making moulds by hand or using auxiliary machines on a bench for small metal castings, on the foundry floor, or in a pit for large castings;
(b) making cores for use in metal moulds;
(c) cleaning and smoothing moulds, core boxes, and repairing surface imperfections;
(d) moving and positioning work pieces such as mould sections, patterns and bottom boards, using cranes, or signalling others to move work pieces;
(e) positioning patterns inside mould sections and clamping sections together;
(f) cutting spouts, runner holes and sprue holes into moulds;
(g) lifting upper mould sections from lower sections and remove moulded patterns.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Coremaker
- Metal casting moulder

Status ta’ kunċett
