Druga vzporejanja
Evropska komisija na tej strani omogoča prenos uradnih vzporejanj klasifikacije ESCO z drugimi mednarodnimi klasifikacijami. Za prenos datoteke kliknite na ime želene klasifikacije.
Metodologija, ki je bila izbrana za oblikovanje vzporejanj, je opisana v dokumentu z naslovom Tehnično poročilo, ki je na voljo v razdelku Publikacije.
Povezovalne preglednice držav EURES
The European Commission makes the Mapping Tables between the ESCO classification and the National classifications of EURES countries accessible for download on this page (read more about mappings to ESCO). The file will be downloaded by clicking on the name of the selected country. Countries that are not on the list have either adopted ESCO or have not yet submitted their mapping table.
Towards a structured and consistent terminology on transversal skills and competences
Transversal skills
Skills monitoring
Technical documentation
Towards a structured and consistent terminology on transversal skills and competences
Call for expression of interest in the third phase of the pilot project for linking learning outcomes of qualifications to ESCO skills
Qualifications & learning outcomes
Call for interest
Call for expression of interest in the third phase of the pilot project for linking learning outcomes of qualifications to ESCO skills
Green Skills and Knowledge Concepts: Labelling the ESCO classification
Green and Digital skills
Technical documentation
Green Skills and Knowledge Concepts: Labelling the ESCO classification
Translations of DigComp 2.0 in ESCO
Green and Digital skills
Technical documentation
Translations of DigComp 2.0 in ESCO
The role of contextual information when connecting data to the ESCO Occupations Pillar using Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence & machine learning
Methodological documents
The role of contextual information when connecting data to the ESCO Occupations Pillar using Artificial Intelligence