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Europeiska klassifikationen för kompetenser/färdigheter, kvalifikationer och yrken (ESCO)
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This concept is obsolete

mekanik och metallurgi

Concept overview


Mechanics and metal trades is the study of planning, designing, developing, producing, maintaining and monitoring machines, mechanical plants and systems and metal products. It includes designing and maintaining machines which produce goods and services. The focus of study in this detailed field is machines, mechanical systems and metal products.
Programmes and qualifications with the following main content are classified here:
Locksmithing and safe repairing
Mechanical engineering
Mechanical trades
Metal casting and patternmaking
Metal fitting, turning and machining
Metallurgical engineering
Precision mechanics
Sheet metal working
Steel production
Tool and die making

=== Exclusions
The study of motor vehicle mechanics and engineering is excluded from this detailed field and included in detailed field 0716 'Motor vehicles, ships and aircraft'.


Concept status

