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Subsistence crop farmers





Subsistence crop farmers grow and harvest field or tree and shrub crops, vegetables and fruit, in order to provide food, shelter and, in some cases, a minimum of cash income for themselves and their households.
Tasks include -
(a) preparing the soil, sowing, planting, tending and harvesting field crops;
(b) growing vegetables, fruit and other tree and shrub crops;
(c) fetching water and gathering firewood;
(d) storing for later use and carrying out some processing of produce;
(e) building and maintaining houses and other shelters;
(f) making tools, clothes and utensils for use by the household;
(g) selling or bartering some products at local markets.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Subsistence crop farmer
- Subsistence gardener
- Subsistence vegetable grower
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Crop farm labourer - 9211
- Firewood collector - 9624
- Water collector - 9624
Workers in a subsistence setting whose main tasks are fetching water and gathering firewood are classified in Unit Group 9624: Water and Firewood Collectors. Workers in subsistence agriculture who perform a limited range of simple and routine tasks, usually under the direction of others, are classified in the relevant unit group in Sub-major Group 92: Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Labourers

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